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Missed Your Chance to Apply to SoCo? Some classes are accepting second-round applications.

Student Results Announced Fri May 3

Why SoCo?

SoCo is more than a class—it's an experience. The immersive, three-week residential classes often include field trips and hands-on learning outside the classroom, creating a connection with your SoCo faculty and life-long friendships. Enjoy small class sizes and the chance to focus deeply on a field that interests you.

male Latinx student looks surprised as a beam of light falls across his face
considering SoCo?

Info Sessions & Fast Facts

Visit ExploreStanfordSessions for sessions in March and April!

  • Friday, March 8: What are SoCo and AI?
  • Friday, April 12: Writing Your SoCo or AI Application
students talking over lunch in the dining hall
considering SoCo?

Applying to SoCo

Application due Tuesday, April 16, 2024.

a woman student builds a giant jenga in the middle of a picnic
considering SoCo?

Does SoCo Cost Money?

SoCo is a bargain for all, and also provides need-based support with the fee.

what students say...

"one of the best decisions I could've made"

When I look back at my sophomore year, choosing to do SoCo was one of the best decisions I could've made; I found lifelong friends within my cohort, gained mentors I continue to learn from, and created memories to cherish for a very long time. If given the chance, I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.

Betty Lee, '21 
